
Contributed Talk - Splinter Outreach

Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 15:25   (SFG 1020 / virtual Outreach)

Preparing for the 100th anniversary of the planetariums

Björn Voss
LWL-Planetarium Münster

On October 21st, 1923, the first planetarium projector was presented for the first time, and on May 7th, 1925, the world's first planetarium opened in Munich. The 100th anniversary of these key dates will mark the beginning and the end of a Centennial anniversary year of the planetariums. The anniversary activities are being prepared jointly by GDP, the society of German-language planetariums, and IPS, the international planetarium society. In this talk, an overview of the planned activities will be given, and upcoming tasks in which the larger science communication community might be involved will be highlighted.