
Contributed Talk - Splinter JungeAG

Monday, 12 September 2022, 16:50   (SFG 1010 / virtual JAG)

One- and two-point source statistics from the Lofar Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS)

M. Pashapourahmadabadi (Bielefeld University) and the LOFAR Surveys Key Science Project Cosmology Team
Bielefeld University

The Lofar Two-meter Sky Survey (LoTSS) had its second data release (DR2) published recently. It provides the largest radio sources catalogue to date, including 4.4 million sources and covering 5600 square degrees of sky, and therefore an excellent opportunity for studies of the large-scale structure of the Universe. In this talk we present results based on one- and two-point statistic of LoTSS-DR2. The one-point or counts-in-cell statistic provides information on the spatial distribution of the radio sources and the two-point correlation function measures their clustering properties. We show that the distribution of radio sources follows a Cox process and that the angular two-point correlation function follows a power law for angles between 0.1 and 5 degrees. At smaller angles a deviation from this power-law is due to the effect of multi-component sources.