
Contributed Talk - Splinter Compact

Friday, 16 September 2022, 14:54   (SFG 1020 / virtual Compact)

Neutrinos from Proto-Neutron-Stars and the Nuclear Equation of State

Malte Heinlein (1,2), Hans-Thomas Janka (1)
(1) Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik; (2) Physik-Department, TU München

Proto-neutron-stars are formed at the centre of core-collapse supernovae as initially hot, dense, and lepton-rich objects. Over a timescale of some tens of seconds a newborn proto-neutron-star cools and deleptonizes by neutrino radiation releasing some 10^53 erg energy and 10^56 lepton number. These neutrinos contribute to both the neutrino signal detectable from individual Galactic core-collapse supernovae and the diffuse supernova neutrino background to be measured in the near future by experiments like Super-Kamiokande-Gd and JUNO. Furthermore, the measurement of a Galactic supernova neutrino signal may allow to estimate mass and radius of the newborn neutron star. However, interpretation of the existing and future detections requires theoretical modelling of proto-neutron-stars as neutrino sources. In simulations of core-collapse supernovae and proto-neutron-star evolution the equation of state for matter above nuclear density is an important ingredient. However the equation of state for such extreme conditions as occurring during core-collapse and the early proto-neutron-star evolution is only poorly constrained. To study the influence of the equation of state on the neutrino emission we simulated models from the onset of core-collapse for more than ten seconds for a range of neutron-star masses and hadronic equations of state compatible with astronomical constraints. We show how characteristics of the neutrino emissions and expected detection change in our models with different equations of state.